
Gas, Liquid, Multi-phase Pipeline

Tundra Engineering is synonomous with Pipelining. Tundra has run hundreds of kilometers of pipeline up to $100MM in project size. River crossings, meter and pump stations and the like are part of our day-to-day work. Our service includes project management, design and drafting, regulatory, environmental surveys, procurement, construction management and reclamation. 

It is not uncommon for Tundra to have 50 simultaneous pipeline projects underway as our clients are executing multi-well programs. Everything from gathering lines, water injection lines, sales lines, line looping and many more are the type of pipeline projects Tundra executes.

Complexity is where Tundra shines. As a highly technical team Tundra separates itself from other market players who simply do not have the horsepower to deal the more advanced projects or a large volume of simple projects.